Thursday, May 14, 2015

James J Hill house

On Tuesday we went on a field trip to summit Avenue in St.Paul. We took a walking tour of the street and saw lots of different houses that had lots of different stories behind them.

James.J.Hill house

James J hill had a big part in the creation of the great northern rail way.
The house was completed for the Hills to live in in 1891.
James Hill lived in the house with his wife Mary and there 10 children.
The architect of the house was Mark Fitzpatrick.

Summit avenue 

Summit avenue was home to very wealthy people
James J Hill built homes for some of kids on summit avenue.
There were lots of houses shared between to families that where in business together
This house on summit avenue was one of the only houses with the garage attached .
Eventually they grew out of the house and built their own.
If you live on summit avenue today you are responsible to keep up with the historical accuracy of the house. The most common  style was queen Anne and Italian villa style. The most common architect is Cass Gilber and Mark Fitzpatrick

This house on summit avenue was very different when the original owner had it. It used to have a full front porch. 
This house was the first house on summit avenue that was not torn down.

St Paul Cathedral

The cathedral was built from 1906 and 1915. They are coming up on the hundred year celebration
This year. The copper dome at the top is over 306 feet high. The cathedral is a very distinct characteristic to the skyline.
Inside there were very  beautiful stain glass. There were many places to worship saints. The cathedral can seat 3000   people. 

Cathedral of Saint Paul

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Level 2

Level 1

Front (HP)

This house would be a good space for my clients because they are young and still in school but still need there own space. They need a space to study and do work and this house gives it to them. They need a garage to park their cards and motorcycles. They each have their own bedroom and bathroom

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Kitchen Design

Out Door Kitchen 
I designed this kitchen for someone who wants to spend time on the patio and grill.
The kitchen layout I used was the "L" style.

Indoor kitchen 
I designed this kitchen for someone who likes a simple design and not a lot going on around them.
The kitchen style was the "L" shape.

Friday, April 10, 2015



Harmony-   Achieved when unity and variety are effectively combined
All parts are related by one idea or theme
Two or more different elements of design are used to create interest

Thursday, April 9, 2015


This week in interior design we learned about rhythm. Rhythm uses pattern to create interest and unity in design. You can create rhythm when using certain lines,colors,forms or texture in a constant pattern.

Repetition  is the use of the same element more then once throughout the space. It can be pattern, color, texture, or line.
The repetition in these rooms is the pictures that are the same size and are hung in a certain pattern .


Radiation - All parts of a composition are balanced and repeated around a central axis.
The points of radiation in these rooms are the table and the carpet in the center that draws your eye out. In the second room in is the blue ottoman in the center in the room and the octagon  on the ceiling.


Gradation- Completed by increasing or  decreasing one or more qualities,such as height or width or over all size
You can see graduation in the first picture by the records on the wall or the vases that vary in size.
In the second one it is the yellow things on the wall that change color and size.


